Wenn deine Welt zu klein ist - Buchhandlung Otherland Berlin

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2nd Book Club "Consider Phlebas" by Iain M. Banks SYOTBOI

| Otherland (Bergmannstraße 25, 10961 Berlin)

Due to populat demand, the "Seven Years On The Banks Of Iain" book club will meet a second time (after the original Aug. 2nd session) to discuss Iain M. Banks' 1987 novel "Consider Phlebas". Please note: contrary to our usual meeting times, this book club is on a Saturday and starts at 7 p.m.

This is the first book published with the "M." name and also the first published Culture book (though Banks had written several books set in the Culture before then, which were published later), and as such the first "pure" science fiction novel (though it can, and has been, argued that all of Banks' books are speculative), as well as being arguably a reboot for the entire space opera genre.

This novel is also available as an audiobook at libro.fm .


Please remember that we ask everyone to:

* register beforehand (email service@otherland-berlin.de) and please cancel if it turns out you can't make it)

* take a COVID test on the day (self-tests are fine)

* only come if you're feeling healthy


Start time is 19:00, drinks and snacks are available, hope to see you here!


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