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Author evening with Rivers Solomon (in dialogue with Tiara Roxanne)

| Otherland (Bergmannstraße 25, 10961 Berlin)

River Solomon in dialogue with Tiara Roxanne

A big thanks to diffrakt and Alison who organised and offered us to host the amazing Rivers Solomon in conversation with the amazing Tiara Roxanne.

We start at 18:00!

Books by Rivers Solomon:
An Unkindness of Ghosts
The Deep

As usual free entrance but please send us a mail to register because we have limited space: service(at)otherland-berlin.de


Einen Kommentar schreiben

Kommentar von Bonnie Bouman |

I have read three works by Rivers Solomon:
-An Unkindness of Ghosts
-The Deep
And would like to come to the event on Sunday.

Danke, Bonnie

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