Book Club: Matt Ruff, Lovecraft Country

Every second Friday of the month at 7.30 pm we, the English speaking clientele of the Otherland Bookshop, meet to discuss a selected science fiction, fantasy or horror book and enjoy snacks and drinks in our favourite bookstore.
In September, we'll talk about Matt Ruff's Lovecraft Country. Lovecrafts influence not only on horror, sf and fantasy, but on pop-culture as a whole, is bigger than ever, and so there's a bigger need for critical and deconstructive approaches like Ruff's. The unique things about Lovecraft seem's to be that all of these deconstruction come from a place of profound, though ambivalent, well, love for Lovecraft's body of work. While this is fascinating in itself, it is also never wrong to read a book by Matt Ruff.
If you, too, enjoy reading speculative fiction and you're interested, you're more than welcome to join us! No registration required, just drop in.
Check out the Otherlander's Blog for further information, including all dates and current books as well as reviews of all the books we've read.
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