Wenn deine Welt zu klein ist - Buchhandlung Otherland Berlin

Veranstaltungen im und vom Otherland

Bookwalk - we walk and talk. TopicBook for this Friday Joe Abercrombie‘s „Best Served Cold“

| Otherland (Bergmannstraße 25, 10961 Berlin)

It's simple: everybody who wants to reads the Topicbook and then we meet (in front of the Otherland) and start walking and talking together about that book.

The next Otherland Bookwalk is Freitag, April 21st 19:30 in front of the Otherland: BookTopic Joe Abercrombies "Best served cold"

No need to register, please just show up and walk with us!

And yes, it's for free!


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und das Herz der Fantasy schlägt!
»... the world-famous bookshop.« − Tad Williams