Wenn deine Welt zu klein ist - Buchhandlung Otherland Berlin

Veranstaltungen im und vom Otherland

Second Book Club "The Saint Of Bright Doors" by Vajra Chandrasekera

| Otherland (Bergmannstraße 25, 10961 Berlin)

On Saturday November 30th the Otherland Speculative Fiction Book Club will meet a second time to discuss "The Saint Of Bright Doors" by Vajra Chandrasekera. (Please note: starting time is 18:30, i.e. an hour earlier than usual)

Please remember that we ask everyone:

* to register beforehand (email service@otherland-berlin.de) and please cancel if it turns out you can't make it)

* take a COVID test on the day (self-tests are fine)

* only come if you're feeling healthy

Start time is 18:30, drinks and snacks are available, hope to see you here!

If you'd like to be informed about upcoming book club meetings and vote on the books we will read, let us know ( service@otherland-berlin.de ) and you'll receive 1-2 monthly emails on the matter.


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