Wenn deine Welt zu klein ist - Buchhandlung Otherland Berlin

Veranstaltungen im und vom Otherland

Speculative Fiction Book Club

Ever read a book and felt sad that there's no one around to discuss it with? Or felt despaired by the growing list of books you'd love to read but never found motivation to do so? Well, good news - we happily announce that the first Otherland Book Club meeting has finally been set up and is waiting for members. Each month we will read and talk about a book of our choice in the fascinating genre of speculative fiction, that is science fiction, fantasy, science fantasy or horror. And of course, The Book Club meetings will be in English.
Our first meeting is scheduled for Friday, August 12th at 7.30 pm at the Otherland Bookshop, where we will start off with Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood.
By the way - our second meeting, for which we will read All the Birds in the Sky by Charlie Jane Anders, will take place on Friday, September 9th, same time same place. (We stocked up on both books, so come by and get them - both are pretty great!)
There will be drinks and snacks and lots of geeky fun - admission is free.


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Wo die Zukunft beginnt ...
und das Herz der Fantasy schlägt!
»... the world-famous bookshop.« − Tad Williams