Otherland-Adventskalender - 9. Tür
| von Jakob | (Kommentare: 5)

Diane Setterfield
Was der Fluss erzählt
Blessing: €24
Nach ein paar Seiten war es vorbei: Lesesucht. Geschichte um Geschichte strömt aus Setterfields Füller auf die Seiten von Was der Fluss erzählt, die Themse als Band, das die Geschichten zusammen hält, ein verschwundenes Mädchen, eine Kneipe am Fluss, in dem Geschichten erzählt werden, Liebe, Tragik, Licht und Düsternis - alles drin.
Matt Haig
The Midnight Library
Canongate: € 18,45
Imagine there is a library somewhere between life and death. And each book in the library contains another version of your own life. After having decided she wanted to die, Nora Seed finds herself exactly here and she has the great chance to peek into all possible lives she could have lead, to undo so many things she regrets in her root life. But then again, she hasn't all too much time to decide – does she really want to die, and if not – which life does she want to live.
A very beautiful and touching novel that, especially in times in which the Corona virus has a deep impact on each of us, opens your eyes for the most essential things: live your life and don't get lost in hypothetical regrets. [Melanie]